Thursday 26 April 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hi guys

This is my first blog about my life since having ME.

I have had M.E for almost 5 years now, it came on fairly suddenly following a holiday abroad where I had cellulitis in my leg following a spider/insect bite. I’m not saying that was the cause but I experienced the symptoms following that. But I had experienced milder symptoms that were very similar in the preceding 2-3 years. Anyway, I can go into it more in depth as I blog more.

Presently, I manage to get out and about and do a few things that I enjoy, although I do suffer the consequences of even mild activity that lasts longer than an hour or two. The important thing is that it does not stop me doing the things I love completely, I just need to plan carefully and take things easy.

I have a very supportive partner who truly understands how the M.E affects me, and my young daughter is incredibly helpful on difficult days when I am less able. My family and friends are all supportive and understanding as well.

I have attended appointments with an occupational therapist who specialises in helping people with M.E, this was helpful as she taught me how to adapt and pace myself, although there was not a lot she could do to help with the physical symptoms, she did help me to focus positively on the future. I have tried graded exercise and this did help at one point, but I find that I need to approach this very gradually, and even minor illnesses can set me right back, causing me to start with very little spells of very light activity again. I did manage to get fairly active for a few months, a couple of years ago, walking up to 3-4 miles in a day, 3 times a week, but that is the best I have managed since the onset. Currently I get exhausted from a ten minute slow walk to the local shops and back.

Well that’s enough to start with, I will write regularly. Hopefully this will act as a record of my life with M.E and how it affects me, and hopefully it will help others to understand.

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