Thursday 4 July 2013

The consequences of enjoyment!

So last night was pure hell. After writing that blog the pain intensified over the next two hours and was past the bearable point, there was nothing I could do to ease the pain. This went on until around 6 am. I didn't sleep all night, not that I wasn't weary, but my body simply would not let me. I finally managed 4 hours of sleep this afternoon after being awake for 32 hours, so consequently I'm just not functioning well now. I've had to reschedule a visit from a friend tonight which is also frustrating, I don't like to mess people around, luckily he is very understanding.

 I used to nurse rheumatology ( arthritis etc) patients for many years and and was always in awe of some of our regular patients, how they carried on stoically in constant pain. I admired them very much, many hardly ever complained despite living in pain day in and day out. Those patients became my role models, I still remember many of them 10 years on, if only they knew the positive effect they had on another person. Its those very people that help me get through a bad night like last night, I just remember that its only one night, a few hour,s occasionally that I experience high pain levels - they endure it on a daily basis for years.

 I am not complaining, I am writing this blog to help people understand what it can be like having M.E and this is just my own personal experience, everybody's is different and each person can have different coping mechanisms.

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