Wednesday 25 May 2016


So only days after my last post I lie in bed writing this. I am experiencing quite a severe crash. I felt quite unwell yesterday and could not sleep the night before. I ended up finally sleeping from 6pm until 4 am. I got up to eat and drink and struggled just walking between rooms. I ended up lying on the settee as sitting was too tiring - as ridiculous as that sounds. Ive last 5 hours and I'm back in bed. About to go to sleep as I'm completely wiped out. I did next to nothing yesterday due to exhaustion - walking back up our 2 flights of stairs after getting washing in was the most I managed and seriously wore me out.

Ive eaten super healthy and made sure Im not having too few calories as losing weight whilst my body is behaving this way is not wise. im drinking lots and taking all my supplements. I am continuing to do everything in my power to belp myself to feel well and recover. Ive started meditating daily and found it easy, its something I used to do a lot and it seems almost like second nature.

Ive got the opportunity to go out tomorrow to photograph waterfalls, which I would love. So batteries are charged. . fingers crossed I feel better than this tomorrow. So lots of rest and good nutrition today.

Ive got some jewellery making videos to watch today and planning for my next jewellery pieces. Ive prepared the components for two bracelets recently and might put one together later today depending on how I am feeling. Getting creative is a wonderful distraction when frequently feeling unwell, I would highly recommend it. It gives a sense of accomplishment which I feel is important when life isnt going quite to plan. You have the positives of enjoying producing something and sharing your efforts, either giving your results as presents to friends and family or selling to boost your income or cover your costs.

Enough writing for now I'm off to sleep.

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