Friday 1 October 2021

Update and side effects


 I have continued on with the protocol as outlined in my previous blog and very slowly increased MCT /C8 oil - but it has knocked me for six - feeling extremely nauseous to the point where I am not managing my full suggested calorie quota every day, dizziness for most of the day, stomach ache and cramps and swollen glands in my throat/neck. Exhaustion is  extreme and energy extremely low, meaning I am managing less than my usual. Brain fog and other symptoms persist. My whole digestive tract is uncomfortable with bouts of loose stools. I am trying to persevere, hoping this will settle down but feeling close to packing it all in as I am pretty fed up with almost constantly feeling worse. But the things keeping me sticking to it are the hope that I have a possibility of improving my health and quality of life, knowing some treatments can result in feeling worse before feeling better , looking at the long term goals - but at the moment I feel that life is passing me by this summer, with me hardly getting out 2-3 times a month whereas before I was getting out 4-8 times a month. Trying to stay positive and optimistic, enjoying our garden, doing meditation and doing some tabletop still life photography.

 Hoping the side effects settle so that I can try a ketogenic diet properly, supported as it is supposed to help a lot of people with energy levels.

 Its all such an expensive option following this protocol with costs for tests, nutritional therapist, about 20 tablets a day plus, oil, and a couple of supplements in powder form added to my drinks and food, then then specialist diet. It adds up to hundreds and so far I have felt worse for most of 3.5 months, it is sapping my mental and physical energy, despite my determination and huge efforts to remain positive, focused and sticking rigidly to it all.

 Whilst my pain is massively reduced and less frequent, this was something we feel we had largely tackled ourselves by working out that the low lectin and low oxalate diet gave good results. Although further advice helped us work out with foods had higher oxalates. The problem is that my diet feels so restricted and is going to be very hard to stick to long term.

I am still incredibly grateful that I have had the opportunity to try this option and have not given up yet. I had to try it - given the chance of getting better.

UPDATE 13/07/21

Another week on and side effects have reduced, glands only a little less swollen, sore throats reduced again, nausea reduced lots, stomach ache comes and goes, loose stools less of an issue, but fatigue and exhaustion are severe, energy is extremely low, hardly managing to keep up with my baseline pacing. Brain fog has eased temporarily for a few hours twice in the last week, other than that remains the same. Struggling to get off to sleep at night but sleeping through apart from when woken by pain from the trapped nerve in my neck.

( Warning below contains open details re menstruation - miss paragraph if you do not like to read)

I should add that the exhaustion/fatigue/low energy could also be worsenned by another health issue that Ive experienced this last month - extreme menstrual blood loss of over 700mls ( measured using a menstrual cup - which apparently equates to around 250 mls actual blood and the rest other fluids)  in the last week which is highly abnormal and has been pure hell! My DR is convinced this is caused by the second Covid vaccine ( she has seen it happen lots to ladies following their 2nd jab) that I had about a month or so ago, this is my first proper period in 6 months as I am going through peri menopause and it has lasted 26 days so far - the longest and worst in my life. Ive had bloods taken to check my full blood count and platelets due to the amount lost - and the bloods demonstrate that I have lost just over a unit of blood since one month ago, but luckily has not tipped me into anaemia - although the receptionist refused to give all the results ( I have to pick them up)  I have been taking iron supplement with vitamin C to aid absorbtion and a diet rich in iron, so I am assuming this has helped - there are other parts to a full blood count and platelet result that give a better picture of what is occuring - I will know once I have the full printed results.. I was prescribed Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding and it has reduced it.

I know the above is not generally a subject we all talk about openly in public and some may consider it distasteful. However I am an open book and this is part of my journey, it is an important aspect of my health at present and I also feel that other women should be aware of this complication - I was not aware. It can be a scary thing to experience and in my 20 years or so as a nurse, even with two spells of 2 month blocks working in gynaecology and being used to a lot of blood, this still rated as extreme, so to some women with no experience or knowledge  in this area it could feel like they are literally bleeding to death. Its always worth talking to your Dr if you experience anything similar.


All in all I have felt utterly dreadful every day of this last week, despite the side effects symptoms easing off. I have stuck to the diet and protocol and now taking 10 mls C8 oil twice daily and 2 DIM daily. My nutritional therapist is aware of all of the above and reviewing later this week.

Hopefully I will start feeling a bit better soon. I have been spending my time at home  with just a half hour trip out locally to pick a few wild flowers, and have been trying to do a little tabletop still life photography, but mostly reading, meditating, enjoying watching wild life in the garden and watching a bit of easy going tv. Despite feeling dreadful I am happy enough in myself and taking pleasure in our garden each day, although really missing seeing people. whilst the UK is getting back to near normal I am still stuck at home and rarely see a soul, but this is the nature of M.E.

We have several visits a day from a group of about 12 Goldfinches with 3 young, its been fun to watch their behaviour and see them enjoy the wild flowers we planted last year.

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