Friday 1 October 2021

Further updates and lots of good news

 So from my last post I was struggling too much to stick with all the supplements as they were causing so many awful side effects that I could not tolerate. Taking about 25 tablets, powders, oil every day plus living on such an incredibly restrictive diet simply was not worth it in the end for me. I came to a point where I just could not do it any more. I stopped all my supplements apart from CoQ10 and started eating a much more varied diet - but with minimal dairy and gluten to start with. The side effects from supplements stopped and to start with I was not getting increased pain despite eating more foods. But my pain levels have slowly increased - although I just cant for the life of me put my finger and which foods make it worse. Still my pain is definitely a lot less than before all of this. I do try to eat a lot of meals as I was whilst following the low lectin plan - such as scrambled eggs for breakfast, or choosing low lectin or gluten free options.  I am disappointed that no other symptoms improved and disappointed that it cost so much money to not get very far with improving my health when I tried so hard, and Michael put so much effort into cooking and shopping, but it is what it is. For now I will continue being careful with my food choices, attempting to keep lectins and oxalates lower but its not going to rule my life. 

Above - my Beauty of nature winning image SWPP

I would say that over the last few months I managed less than I was prior to starting the regime and I have been trying hard to slowly rebuild my activity levels. This has been hampered by an ongoing trapped nerve affecting my neck and shoulder, and more recently getting Covid. I am currently still recovering from Covid but know to build things up slowly and count myself  incredibly lucky not to have had it as bad as so many others.

Above - my 2nd place image in SWPP Beauty of nature competition

 One thing I have kept up from the regime the nutrition therapist suggested is mindfulness and meditation. This has become a very pleasurable part of my day and I can spend up to 2 hours a day meditating. I do find that it helps with pain and helps me to be more balanced and positive.

This summer I have put the rest of my energy into my photography as usual, this time creating still life images in our dining room and today I reaped the rewards of my time consuming efforts. Sometimes it could take me hours or days to create an image, slowly setting compositions up bit by bit and going back to it after a rest or maybe the following day, then getting lighting right one light at a time. It kept me occupied while I wasn't getting out and distracted me from the M.E symptoms and side effects of supplements. It was a great way to slowly learn how to do still life and I was happy to win a gold for one of the images with the SWPP and NPS. But that does not compare to todays surprise. 

One of my main aims was to be placed in the IGPOTY ( International garden photographer of the year) still life project for a 2nd year ( I had an image highly commended last year). Today the winners were announced and I feel incredibly honoured at having my images awarded 1st place, 3rd place, a finalist, a highly commended and 2 commended!!! Yes, you read right that was 6!!! images placed - I could not have imagined that in my dreams and was quite shocked but thrilled. It feels like a very special achievement to me. You can see all the winners here - IGPOTY Still life winners

Strangely this has occurred on the same day as another project I've been involved in, which I believe is fate as the publicity from the above may well help  with this. Last year I approached the M.E. association with a proposal that I supply them with images for free to enable them to create products to raise funds and this has finally resulted in the release of two calendars plus two sets of cards/notelets created from my photographs. I am very proud to be involved with this and will be encouraging people to buy them. They are themed as Animal magic and Flower power. So hopefully my success with the IGPOTY and any resulting publicity might help prompt extra sales if I can direct people interested in my work to the M.E. associations online shop. There is also a little bit about me in the M.E Associations magazine. M.E. Association website

Yet another bit of good news from my photography arrived this week, I  came first and 2nd in  the SWPP Beauty in nature competition  - totally unexpected and a lovely surprise. What a week! Very uplifting for sure and motivating me to keep slowly pushing ahead with my other projects and competition entries. I am now working on pulling together a portfolio and still aiming to produce images for a fellowship. Beauty of nature

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