Friday 10 June 2016

Food and airbourne sensitivity tests

Carrying on from my last blog, I did go out this week, but felt soo ill on going out. Luckily by the time we reached the botanical gardens I had started to feel better, but later in the day I felt quite ill again.  Strangely both times were immediately following food, I would not have added this in my blog, however Ive had food sensitivity tests since and the results were interesting.

So, I went for the food and airbourne sensitivities/intolerances tests. The results showed Im sensitive to the following list of foods and airbourne stuff.

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cows milk, potatoes, peas, garlic, grapes, oranges, apples, tangerines, mixed nuts, hazel nuts, salmon,oysters, margarine, barley flour, rye flour, wheat, wheat bran, soy bean meal, red and white wine, msg, e102, e110, e124

tobacco smoke, grasses, dogs hair, house dust mites, straw dust, nettle pollen, dry rot, penicillin notatum, alternata

So going back to feeling ill the previous day, I had just drank fresh home made juice containing orange and apple juice, followed by a slice of freshly baked home made bread containing wheat. Later in the day I was out and had my first coffee in about 1 week, decaf with milk, plus a veggie lasagna and salad. It adds up now as I had quite a few things that my body is currently intolerant of.

Apparently by avoiding all these things in my diet for 2-6 months some of these intolerances may disappear if my body is given the chance to heal. Its going to be quite difficult initially as I juice daily and for my juices/smoothies containing lots of veg I usually add the juice of an apple or orange to help the taste. I have garlic in a large proportion of savoury dishes, wheat will also be difficult, not so much just because its in bread, but its in so many other things - couscous being the main one I will miss, I will eat couscous 2-3 times a week. Not having pasta or noodles will be tricky too.  So no bread, pasta, noodles or couscous or potatoes - these are difficult staples to go without. But I CAN have rice and oats and corn, So if I choose to have a cereal I could possibly find an oat or corn based one, maybe a healthy muesli. potatoes I can substitute with an occassional sweet potato.

I am waiting to determine precisely which nuts I cant have, I know macadamia and peanuts are out. Hopefully I can still have cashews and almonds as I drink almond milk.
I am also getting one point verified re cocoa - is this cocoa containing milk powder ? If it is then maybe its just the milk thats the problem, which would be a huge relief as I could have be odd treat with cacao powder in almond milk whizzed up with banana and kale as a chocolate smoothie :)

My diet is going to be challenging for a short time whilst I work out what I can have, and how I can stay eating a diet that is highly nutritious with everything my body needs. A lot of shop bought ready made items are out of question. I guess I will come to really appreciate certain foods, but eating out will be very difficult.

Today is day one of elimination diet, Ive eliminated everything on the list apart from a tiny bit of apple juice in my smoothie. That wont be a problem tomorrow as I now have other fruits to substitute, so tomorrow everything from the list will be eliminated. I am hopeful that given a couple of weeks I will start feeling a good bit better in myself and that correcting my diet will  be a positive step on my road to recovery.

Positive stuff this week - hardly any pain- YIPPEE, even following my short walk in Durham. Ive made a new bracelet and a couple of components for necklaces. Ive actually got out 3 times this week despite feeling dreadful and had such a lovely time walking through woodlands at Durham botanical gardens.

There was an interesting article out this week about M.E. Here is a link for anyone that missed it.

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